Changing Lives and Transforming Communities Through Services, Networks, and Technology

Fluence believes it’s time to create a new way to work together – locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. We believe that we can and will energize global economies, initiate valuable new trading partnerships, use technology to make entire regions smarter and more efficient, and inspire a skilled workforce to fully engage in work for maximum productivity, job satisfaction, and success.

What we do

We are a dynamic merging of people, capital, technology, and infrastructure, dedicated to creating bold new ways of working, trading, growing, and thriving in Missouri, throughout the Midwest, and around the world.

  • Global Workforce Development

    Potentially, the work we do will improve the lives of others – make it better. We are intentionally striving to support a segment of our workforce that sometimes struggles to find satisfying, and engaging work. Our focus is to help the employable and those in transition to connect with employers dedicated to make a difference within the communities they serve. We assist military veterans, persons with disabilities and the formerly incarcerated that do not pose a threat of violence to develop job skills, find jobs or create a sustaining business.

    Fluence’s holistic approach to global workforce development includes individual case management, job training, and life skills training to every job seeker through Community Hubs.

    These efforts will start in St. Louis, with a ten-year plan to rollout across the U.S.

  • Capital Management & Global Strategic Investment

    We like to dream big at Fluence and we encourage the communities we serve to dream big, too. So, we stand ready to help big dreams, small dreams or just simple dreams become a reality by funding sustainable business efforts. We will use our unique blend of capital management and global investment strategies as we cast our net around those that need extra financial support. Our own vision will be fueled as we work with investors on high-yield and long-term investment opportunities. We will start in Missouri to reindustrialize the economic engine on our home turf first.

    Our vision requires far-reaching infrastructure development and capital-intensive projects in both the U.S. and foreign markets.

    How can we support our clients in need of funding?:

    • Seed funds
    • A-round capital
    • Sovereign wealth funds
    • Private equity
    • Hedge funds

    Fluence will be supporting early-stage company growth by providing funds and expertise to help companies transition from seeding stage to A-round capital.

  • Global Business & Economic Development

    Similar to how dot coms were an integral part of the growth and emergence of Silicon Valley, Fluence will play a similar role in the on-going growth of the Silicon Prairie. We will bring it all together through technology. Technology connects our world, homes, businesses and even our communities as people, places and things demand efficiency. As we yearn for instant gratification and knowledge, technology gets smarter to help us make quicker decisions. It expedites our world.

    Never heard of Silicon Prairie? Here’s the scope:

    • Consists of 16 core Midwestern states, St. Louis is the hub
    • It has 23 of the nation’s top research universities, including St. Louis University and Washington University in our hub city
    • It is an integral part of high-speed rail with an economy ripe for technology growth and robust job creation

    Silicon Prairie has considerable educational, technological, manufacturing, and logistics infrastructure; business development momentum; as well as 23 of the nation’s top research universities.

    Why does this matter? It is about transformation. St. Louis will be the hub for the Midwest as cities become smarter, more connected. Smarter cities help improve the way we do business through interconnectivity. They help hospitals run more efficiently and allow for more effective transportation flow. The utility companies have already begun with smart grid efforts because reliability is key to keeping all systems working seamlessly and continuously as we become more dependent on big data for quicker insights. As a central hub for high-speed rail, our focus will be on freight. This leads us to infrastructure, one of our core pillars.

    A Smarter City integrates multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage city assets such as transportation systems, hospitals, public utilities, and power grid systems. It also uses technology to support the needs of people through social programs, health care, and education.

  • Global Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions

    We have an advantage in Missouri. We are in the top 20 for rail freight using 3,957 miles of rail. The Midwest has 7 other states: Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin that contribute to 30% of the nations transported items using rail freight. At Fluence, we plan to drive the high-speed rail effort through our International Liaison Group.

    St. Louis is the ideal location from which to base Fluence’s Global Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions, which also will use the latest innovations to provide high-tech supply chain management.

    The International Liaison Group oversees the Asia Freight Hub, the movement of freight, including air-to-air refueling. To improve logistics and supply chain efforts, Fluence envisions a high-speed freight rail with St. Louis as its hub with connections stretching from California to Raleigh, North Carolina, Orlando, Florida and Toronto, Canada.

    More distant plans include the formation of the Eastern European Union centered around the old Silk Road, the high-tech Baltic States and South Caucasus countries in the easternmost part of Europe.


The bold vision of Fluence requires visionary people to lead the organization and inspire partners around the world to move forward with similar boldness. Fluence is honored to have these experienced leaders turning our vision into reality.

Dr. Johndavid Kerr, J.D.
Founder, President & CEO
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Connie Risby
Co-Founder, COO/CMO
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Michael Devereux
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